The Committee "Special Advisors to the President" is no more. The volunteers have all resigned. I completely understand and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO DVP1
Special Advisors to the President
Community Engagement is a committee formed to support the whole of Delray Villas Plat 1. We are an umbrella committee. Through volunteers within our community, we have sub committees. The first committee is the Fun Committee. Our new committee, “Special Advisors to the President”, is an initiative to act in the roll of follow-up on plat issues that have far too long fallen through the cracks. This new committee is comprised of two volunteer neighbors. They reached out to the president to offer their knowledge and skills to help the community. You will see them throughout the neighborhood checking on any issues in the common areas of the plat. They are not here to issue violations to homeowners. They have no authority or interest in enforcing DVP1 rules and regulations. They are here to make sure that our common areas are well maintained and pleasing to the eye. They will then report back to Community Engagement. Community Engagement will inform the DVP1 HOA board of their finding and offer solutions for resolution. Their first project is the lakes. They have contacted our current vendor, "The Lake Doctor" and scheduled a site inspection, they have also researched and reached out to two (2) other companies for assessments of our needs.
This is your Community Involvement in ACTION!
Special Advisors to the President Committee Members
Robert Ben-Eliyahu, Lisa Durant
Community Engagement is happy to report that thanks to our new subcommittee, Special Advisors to the President, our lakes are looking much better. The vendor The Lake Doctors, has now been in constant contact with Robert Ben-Eliyahu as the deferred maintenance was evident to him upon his visual inspection of our plat. They are now tending to our lakes as they should have been all along. Robert Ben-Eliyahu and Lisa Durant have had several other aquatic maintenance companies come out and give assessments of our current situation and needs. Their findings to be reported at the September HOA meeting.
We appreciate their volunteering to make our community lakes healthy and beautiful. That’s Community Involvement in Action!!!